illustration of a ui dashboard

PHP template engine

January 9th, 2021
By Luke ketchen

I had built a few websites in 2020. These websites were usually for tradespeople that just want a nice corner of the web so show off some cool stuff they do. Nearly all customers didn't care what the design was as long as it was clean.

I had built a few different templates from scratch that had several components like about, gallery and contact.

After completing many projects I decided to make a design that was editable from one file. I wrote up the designs and created a web page that read variables from a single PHP file. In this file, I could edit and change the company name, hero images and any other content on the page.

I had plans to make a website that would create these for customers but didn't go through with it.

What I learnt

What I learnt on this project was more before the project and learning that listening to the clients was very valuable. I would jump into great detail by asking if there were any designs the customer had seen that they liked. Coming from a trade background made it easier for me to understand that the clients I had at the time just wanted something that worked.

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